Saturday 4 May 2013

We need a direct bus to Southmead Hospital!

The main NHS acute hospital for people in and around Yate is moving from Frenchay to Southmead next year. So how would YOU get from Yate or Chipping Sodbury to Southmead, without a car?

Steve Webb asked the question, and the best they could come up with was to catch a bus to Bristol Parkway and then change and get another bus to Southmead. Imagine - it's cold, it's wet, and you're already not feeling very well.

According to the North Bristol NHS Trust "whilst a direct service from Southmead to Yate was considered early on in discussions it would be unaffordable as a new service" - it's just not good enough.

You can join Steve Webb's new Facebook group "We need a bus to Southmead", and we'll keep you posted here as well.

1 comment:

  1. come on first you can afford it you make millions
